Pan Am Flight 103 / Lockerbie — Censured in U.S.!!

Highlights on a broad series of corrupt acts involving U.S. personnel and the extension of that culture into a series of highly deadly catastrophic events affecting the United States and its peoplewith no end in sight. The following is a brief highlight of the series of events that constitutes the culture in the United States today and in the future:

  • U.S. Navy Commander orders the shoot-down of an Iranian airliner killing 290 people, followed by July 4 rejoicing of Americans on July 4 holiday.

  • Iranian officials, properly outraged, vow to retaliate.

  • Pan Am Flight 103 is blown apart over Lockerbie. Iranian officials no longer discuss retaliation. Evidence points to Syrian-based PFLP group and Iran.

  • Iraq, funded and armed by Reagan-Bush administrations, and encouraged by U.S. consul, invades Kuwait.

  • President George H.W. Bush (Sr.) decides to attack Iraq, and needs the cooperation of Iran and Syria. FBI-DOJ-directed investigation and prosecution suddenly shifts attention to Libya for official blame for Lockerbie bombing.

  • FBI-DOJ personnel plant bogus evidence miles from the main crash scene in a scheme to shift blame from the actual murderers, charging Libya with orchestrating the bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie. The evidence was a half-thumb-size timer fragment found in a muddy field miles from the main wreckage, months after the bombing event. (That timer fragment was obtained from a former employee of the Swiss manufacturer.)

  • FBI-DOJ personnel pay $3 million to a small Malta shopkeeper and his brother to testify falsely about the purchaser of children's clothes allegedly found in the suitcase allegedly containing the bomb that passed as an unaccompanied bag through five security check points.

  • FBI-DOJ personnel pay a discredited CIA informant to provide false testimony about the identity of two Libyans that allegedly put the bomb-carrying suitcase on a connecting flight departing Malta.

  • FBI-DOJ personnel offered $4 million to the owner of the company that produced the timer mechanism to provide perjured testimonyand who refused to become implicated in the scheme.

  • FBI-DOJ personnel falsely charged two Libyans with the murder of 270 people, while covering up for the Syrian-based group that committed the murdersunder contract with Iran to avenge the U.S. Navy shooting down of an Iranian airliner that killed 290 people.

  • Small town Scottish police, prosecutors, and judges, under guidance by FBI-DOJ personnel, then become part of the greatest tragedy-related frauds in the world's history. The U.S.-orchestrated scheme then required the cooperation of Scottish trial and appellate judges to engage in blatant judicial corruption even worse than is prevalent in many U.S. courts.

  • The Libyan, al Megrahi, the immediate victim of that U.S.-directed fraud, was released from prison on condition that he drops the appeal that contained overwhelming evidence of the scheme. U.S. media continues the cover-up of the high-level criminal activities.

  • The corrupt culture in the FBI-DOJ continues, and enabled to occur a series of catastrophic terrorist successes, requiring the continuation of the cover-up by U.S. media personnel.

Department of Defense Document
Identifying the Actual Perpetrators

Segments in a Department of Defense documentmarked secretidentified Iran and the Syria-based PFLP group as responsible fore the Lockerbie bombing. This information is kept from the American people by U.S. media and members of Congress. The last paragraph in that multi-page document states:

Mohtashemi is closely connected with the Al Abas and Abu Nidal terrorist groups. He is actually a long-time friend of Abu Nidal. He was recently paid 10 million dollars in cash and gold to these two organizations to carry out terrorist activities and was the one who paid the same amount to bomb Pan Am Flight 103 in retaliation for the US shoot-down of the Iranian Airbus. [Underlining added.]

That Department of Defense document clearly stated that Iran and the Syrian-based Abu Nidal group (PFLP) was responsible for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103directly opposite of the political statements and those of Department of Justice personnel. Think for a moment of the implication of implications of the American people being lied to in this fashion, protecting the murderers of 270 people, shifting blame upon an innocent Libyan and upon a nation that suffered from U.S. sanctions, involving an endless series of criminal acts directed by FBI-DOJ personnel with the knowledgeor directionof a president of the United States, and joined by an endless number of groups profiting from the scheme and conspiracy!

Further, the lies, the criminal acts, the scheme, being supported by whole groups of people, some profiting by aiding and abetting one of the biggest hoaxes played on the people of an entire nation. Then, do a little more reading to understand how this deception and culture enabled to occur a series of even worst terrorist attacks and where they led to, including two wars that would not otherwise have occurred. And this is only one of multiple areas in which the sheep-like American public has been defrauded during the last half century!

Monday 10 October 2011

Top Toys For Christmas 2011

Top Toys for Christmas 2011

If you are like me and and you are now in the " Christmas" firing line check this out  here :
 for ideas on the Top Toys for Christmas 2011 they include :

Transformers 3
Guess Who.
Top Toys For Christmas 2011 is  the Independent newspaper review